Fetch Sunday 23SS lookbook

Inspired by bike culture and outdoor activities

Fetch Sunday 23SS lookbook | Inspired by bike culture and outdoor activities
Fetch Sunday 23SS lookbook | Inspired by bike culture and outdoor activities
Fetch Sunday 23SS lookbook | Inspired by bike culture and outdoor activities
Fetch Sunday 23SS lookbook | Inspired by bike culture and outdoor activities
Fetch Sunday 23SS lookbook | Inspired by bike culture and outdoor activities
Fetch Sunday 23SS lookbook | Inspired by bike culture and outdoor activities
Fetch Sunday 23SS lookbook | Inspired by bike culture and outdoor activities
Fetch Sunday 23SS lookbook | Inspired by bike culture and outdoor activities
Fetch Sunday 23SS lookbook | Inspired by bike culture and outdoor activities

Fetch Sunday has unveiled its 23SS collection.

Inspired by bike culture and outdoor activities, this collection showcases Fetch Sunday's distinctive mood with leopard graphics, vibrant fluorescent colors, and Real Tree fabric in pink.

The 23SS collection from Fetch Sunday is set to be released today (28th) at 6 PM with the first batch of products, followed by subsequent releases.




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